Saturday, January 17, 2009

Good Day Sunshine

It reached (positive) 20 degrees today. Compared to negative ridiculous, that seemed downright balmy and thus Troy and my brother, Bobby, took all the kids sledding. Yes, for those concerned, we have officially left the house! I have also, though this may fit under the category of Too Much Information, taken a shower and changed my clothes after four days of wearing the same old ratty sweat pants and warmy fleece jacket. We are all, slowly but surely, regaining our sanity.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Love the winter scene . . .


Molly Sabourin said...

Oh Jenny,

I really would LOVE to visit with you, especially in Hawaii, especially right now. We miss your family.

Beth said...

I remember my nephew Joey at the age of three proclaiming to my father, "Grandpa, you changed your pants." As an early twenty something I could not really imagine wearing the same clothes over and over again. I did, however, recently wear the shirt you gave me for my birthday- yes- four days in a row. I wonder if the kids noticed.