Sunday, February 1, 2009

more time

Saturday was a work day - work, work, work from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. That's how it goes when you're a habitual dawdler and let the clutter pile, gather dustily under beds, multiply. My motivation was ballet, gymnastics, soccer and drama - I've got handwritten receipts pinned to my corkboard confirming the fact that each of my children is now enrolled in an extra curricular activity of their choice. I delayed this chauffeuring stage as long as possible, but they're chomping at the bit to express themselves and since no one is wearing diapers anymore or napping regularly or needing to be nursed, I suppose there's nothing to stop us from moving forward into this next phase of parenting.

I've got the house in tip-top(ish) shape and our calendar up to date. We've purchased leotards and dancing shoes, a whiteboard to hang in the kitchen. All written down, it looks a tad overwhelming but then again, kind of exciting simultaneously. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, we are booked. I never dreamed, when they were babies and we were sequestered in our condo without a car, that the weeks would eventually fly by instead of drag on all slow and intensive to the tune of Sesame Street and Goodnight Moon being read by yours truly over and over and over again.

This morning, due to hours of extensive reorganizing, things went smoother than we'd anticipated as we dressed and clipped fingernails and tamed cowlicks in preparation for Divine Liturgy. Instead of rushing and wasting fifteen plus minutes on searching for clean and/or matching socks, at 9:00 a.m. we were ready -ready to go ahead of schedule. There was time leftover, more time for pre-communion prayers and gathering necessities (i.e. Kleenex and Chap Stick). There was time, in fact, to everyone's absolute joy (I am deciding, here, to generously interpret the phrase, A-w-w Mom!, as an indication of pure delight) for a photo!

Nothing makes my heart soar like the sight of them, the four of them all together captured permanently in a state of well-groomedness and vibrant youth. I just took that picture and already I am nostalgic. Already it is evening and a new week is upon us. As I type this they are changing, maturing, growing in their beds.

What a crazy amazing adventure is motherhood.


Kelly said...

They aren't even my kids, and after reading your post, I am feeling nostalgic over the photo as well. I love when there are extra minutes before heading to church. It such a pleasant lull, when there is nothing needing to be done, nothing causing impatience to flair up, or prayers to be said in the car on the way there. It is amazing how a few extra minutes can set the tone of your day.

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so precious and beautiful! I can just imagine the funny things they say and do. I'm so glad I can at least see pictures of them. Love to all!

Michelle said...

Isn't it amazing what a little organization can do for your mindset? Remember that! (I will too, especially when I'm feeling like I cannot do ONE THING MORE.)

Welcome to the life of chauffeuring. Honestly, I made sure that at least two children were in the same thing so I wasn't driving everywhere. But I guess your town is pretty small and self-contained so it's possible. Be sure to bring a good book with you to read while you wait. :) You know I would.

Much love,

Xenia Kathryn said...

Your kids are too cute!!! Do you ever wish you had double the arms to just hug 'em all up? :D