I knew that if I started to fall behind, this baby of mine (my Snapshot O' the Day) would inevitably be affected. I love this blog for its therapeutic properties and creative opportunities but, believe it or not, I've got approximately 85 other things of high priority all queued up to be handled and completed by yours truly. That, and something so, so sad happened only days ago involving my beloved digital camera (used recently by my sister-in-law, Carrie, and I to take countless pictures, including the one above, testing the lighting and shadows in my own backyard) and a certain adorable three-year-old who happened to knock it out of my hands and onto the hard and unforgiving kitchen floor. It's broke, is the horrible long and short of it, and my kids keep needing food and heat and stuff, so I can't, in the near foreseeable future, replace it. Thus my plan is to, for now, use the photos I already have in my computer and my trusty old scanner to update this site every third day or so because I like to do it- it brings me joy, helps me remember all I have to be thankful for and to document moments and events I'd surely forget in the hustle and bustle of raising a family. So, dear friends, if you can forgive me the slight time delay between my posts, I'd be thrilled if you stuck around. Your company has been encouraging and enjoyable, to say the least. Now I'm off to bed, before 10:00 pm, like a good girl. I'm trying, really trying, to pace myself.
3 weeks ago
Of course we'll hang around. I think we can all relate to having to put something aside in order to not fall behind.
you know that we are going to stick around for more!
Ouch! I can't imagine losing my camera... there would be some serious mourning involved. I'm so sorry!
I'm glad to hear that you, my blogging idol are having a hard time keeping up with posting as I can barely handle one COMPLETE post a month! Of course we'll wait! :)
you have my hand, dear friend...
Molly I feel your pain. Just a few weeks ago, Isaac and Lydia felt that since Anna was allowed to handle the camera, they too should have that privilege. Unfortunately, I was reading to Nathaniel & Anna at the time, so didn't discover their adventuresome spirit until they brought me, much to my dismay, the camera. It's zoom lens was bent at an odd angle that I knew was not good. I was practically in tears, knowing that it was my fault because I was home, not my husband, and I should know better! I expected the worst lecture of my life that night, but he was gracious enough to see my pain and not say much of anything, although I know his heart sank, and probably a bit of anger was building.
All that to say - I'm especially missing it this week. My children are dreaming up their costumes for our annual six-house trick-or-treat tour (this year we're taking our neighbors cupcakes), and I won't be able to take a picture. I did ask Mom to stop by to take a picture - hopefully that will happen.
Hope your week is going better now. I'm gearing up for school next week. I think Nathaniel & Anna have read all the school books already in the past two weeks, but we'll go through them again, at a much slower pace. :)
Well, we'd leave, but we're addicted :)
I need to get to bed earlier, too!
Finished the book you recommended so long ago (The End of the Affair)! I couldn't put it down, and finished it in three days. It was very intriguing, and I'm looking forward to reading more of his work! I really enjoyed his writing style.
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