My son, Elijah, will most certainly be the type of dad to have over sized buttons made of his children in their soccer uniforms, baseball hats and gloves, etc. and then pin them on his lapel to show off at work (that is if movie directors or Zoologists even wear blazers). Yesterday morning, he was with me at Mary's ballet class where he pointed out repeatedly to the other moms present which of the little dancers was his sister (they already knew, by the way) and, Oh my gosh! Isn't she cute? Look at her now! Mom, put this up on the blog! Turn the camera that way to get her face!
The above two and half minute video will give you a small taste of my eldest son's (borderline braggy) enthusiasm for everything his little sister does and doesn't do, it will showcase Mary's mad dance skills and reveal what weighty issues are on the hearts and minds of those of us in small town America:
Will the three-year-olds get their routine down in time for the recital?
I'll keep you posted.
4 weeks ago
That's so sweet, Molly! :D I love that he kept explaining which one was his sister. I can't believe your "baby" is that big! I see why Elijah is gushing.
I love Mary's Ballet moves!
She'll be a real pro!
Grandpa Mike
Okay Molly the thing that amazes me most about this darling video is Mary's beautiful French braids--nice job! I'm not....there...yet.
In our spring recital Angeliki's going to be a butterfly, apparently. Thankfully we only have to master a hairdo called The Ballet Bun.
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