Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's your turn to empty the chamber pot!

Winter is fighting with spring, announced the Park Ranger at the Maple Festival we attended yesterday as a homeschool group. Who do you think is winning?

U-m-m, what did you say? We can't hear you because there are icicles growing out of our ears.

Yes, it was a beautiful morning - bright, clear, crisp. The information regarding how syrup is made (Did you know it takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of Maple Syrup?) was indeed fascinating. The tour of the Bailley family home, believed to be the first non-native Northwest Indiana residents, lead by silver-haired guides in Little House on the Prairie dresses, was equally awe inspiring (and I only felt a tad bit sheepish about my inability to stay on top of my own homemaking duties despite having access to electricity and running water). It's just that it was so darn COLD. We pretended to be trees shaking our arm branches in order to get our sap... I mean, our blood flowing and everything, but our teeth went right on chattering and the complaints about numbing appendages grew louder and more desperate until finally the field trip was over and we ran to back to our mini-vans for refuge from the bitterness of a battle for warmth and an end to those exhausting mitten hunts (Did you leave them in the car? In your coat sleeve?), we're clearly losing - by a landslide.


Jenny said...


These photos are so beautiful! I love that clear blue sky. We don't have clear blue skies here because of the constant volcanic smog. I almost forgot how clear and blue and wonderful those Midwest skies are.

What an education for your kids, too. Wonderful!

Has said...

Fabulous! Cold or not, your family will never forget it.