Here is the sweet card from my daughter, Priscilla, that I found on the couch I would crash on for most of the afternoon because I always, always, always learn the hard way that pushing myself too hard without the proper amounts of sleep or nutrients results in ridiculousness. It was a throat infection this time, preceded by two days of heachaches and exhaustion. When will it finally sink in that set limits represent wisdom, not weakness?
3 weeks ago
I figured you were either on vacation or not feeling well. I pray that you will recover soon! May the Lord bless you.
The question is - do you feel better?
That Priscilla, she's so sweet.
OH Dear Molly, I do hope that you are feeling better...take it easy whenever time allows.
Thank you for checking in! I am MUCH better after a five day course of antibiotics and a stern self-talking to. My two week hiatus from writing and posting and podcasting is coming to a close; I feel refreshed and ready to sieze the day(s)right in front of me.
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