So here is what seventy-five cents will buy you in our neck of the woods; it is garage sale season and I couldn't be more pleased about it! Last weekend, Troy and I gave each of the kids a dollar and drove them around our neighborhood in search of banners, balloons or carboard signs promising HUGE and MULTI-FAMILY fun-ness in the form of used and inexpensive treasures spread enticingly out on card tables. I feel the time is right to pass onto them our passion for thriftiness and my growing appreciation for crazy, quirky decor that can be purchased with the spare change I've collected from pants pockets in the clothes hamper. Elijah found a lego set; Priscilla bought a Princess journal; Ben walked away with a half dozen matchbox cars and Mary chose a tiny red stuffed puppy. Oh yeah...they've totally caught the fever!
3 weeks ago
Molly, please come to my garage sale?
I'll make you a deal: anything you see is yours for FREE!
Well our van is loaded with luggage (you did mean for the six of us to stay with you as houseguests, right?) - we'll be there in approximately twenty-four hours :)
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